The Effect of Government Health Expenditures on Economic Growth in Countries of D-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation



Background: Providing healthcare services is one of the essential needs of a community that its shortcoming is considered as a state weaknesses causing widespread social discontent. Accordingly, this study was done to determine the impact of health expenditures on economic growth in D8 Organization for Economic Cooperation members. Methods: In this causal-analysis study, related data and statistics were extracted from WDI2013. Economic assessment was done through Eviews 6 software and using panel data over the period from 1995 to 2012 for D8 countries. Results: According to the results, one-percent increase in each of the variables of government health expenditure and gross capital formation increases economic growth by 0.03 and 0.09 percent respectively. Also one-percent increase in the fertility rate decreases economic growth by 0.04 percent. Conclusion: Given the significant positive impact of government health expenditure on economic growth, it is recommended that policy makers of D8 members consider this type of expenditure as an investment not a cost and by  appropriate policies give priority to funding for the health sector and take a step toward achieving economic growth.
