What are the publication charges for an article in JHAD?

JHAD supports the Open Access initiative. Abstracts and full texts (PDF format) of all articles published by JHAD are freely accessible to everyone immediately upon publication. There are no charges for publication in Journal of Health and Development (JHAD). The in free and the costs of the journal articles are paid by Kerman University of Medical Sciences.

What is your acceptance rate?

Our acceptance rate for uninvited manuscripts is about 7%.

Once I have submitted a manuscript, how long can I expect to wait before I hear from the journal, and how much time passes between acceptance and publication of a manuscript?

Submissions are acknowledged promptly by e-mail. All manuscripts submitted to the JHAD are subject to peer-review process. Authors can expect to wait about one or two months from the date of submission until receiving the journal’s decision. For manuscripts that are selected for revision, the length of time between the revision request and publication will vary widely (from two weeks to two months) depending on various factors, including the extent of revision required, the need for additional review and revision.

What Endnote style does JHAD use?

JHAD uses its own style of note formatting. Cited references and explanatory notes should be presented in one section of consecutively numbered endnotes. Additional information on our note style, along with examples, is available on our "Guide for Authors" section. 

How often does the journal get published?

The JHAD is published Quarterly (four times a year).